Tomato "Baton Rouge" F1
Tomato "Baton Rouge" F1.
Indeterminate, mid-early, high-yielding tomato hybrid of the "Saladette" type.
The plants are vigorous, with dark green leaves, are distinguished by good health due to their resistance to the main diseases of tomato.
In a bunch forms 5-6 uniform in size, fleshy fruits weighing 120-130 g.
Recommended for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. It is intended for fresh consumption, for canning, for making sauces and pastes.
Indeterminate, mid-early, high-yielding tomato hybrid of the "Saladette" type.
The plants are vigorous, with dark green leaves, are distinguished by good health due to their resistance to the main diseases of tomato.
In a bunch forms 5-6 uniform in size, fleshy fruits weighing 120-130 g.
Recommended for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. It is intended for fresh consumption, for canning, for making sauces and pastes.
* We fertilize tomatoes with horse manure:
A bucket of manure (aged for several years) for 30 liters of water. We insist. The first watering of tomatoes after planting in the ground after 25 days. Second watering after 14 days.